Grant Opportunities

Grant Opportunities


There are no current open grant programs. 

Grant Programs

  • Applications Closed: Building Connections Initiative

    Building Connections Initiative: Announcements Sent Via Email

    We wanted to share that we have concluded the selection process for the Building Connections Initiative. Please check your email if you applied for the initiative but didn’t see the email yet. 

    We received 63 applications from eligible by and for, grassroots nonprofits in eastern Washington. Ultimately, we could only select 20 organizations to join the cohort.

    With so many great applications from worthy community organizations, we had difficult decisions to make that were limited by available funding. We wish we could support more organizations, but are not able to dedicate additional resources at this time. We will continue to explore opportunities for support and connection beyond the cohort, but most of our funding and focus will be on the BCI cohort. 

    Please reach out to Kelly at for additional questions or to schedule a meeting with our Program Team Staff.

    Also, please see our Sponsorships Page for current funding opportunities to support community gatherings.